Braces - Tips From The Orthodontist

In order to support our patients, and for all those having problems with their braces, we have decided to share some advice from our experts to help you at home.

1) Braces – oral hygiene instructions

Above all, patients with braces need to abide by the instructions for oral hygiene. In order to prevent inflamed gums (gingivitis), demineralization of enamel and the formation of cavities (caries), please adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Carefully brush your teeth to avoid gingivitis (inflamed gums). This can occur when plaque and bits of food are not removed. Orthodontic patients should pay special attention to ensure they avoid inflamed gums, as swollen gums can even fully cover the braces. Every time you observe any bleeding of the gums, this is almost always due to inflammation, which is treated by proper brushing.
  2. If plaque is building up on your teeth, this can lead to demineralization of the enamel. If this occur, you may notice white or brown stains on your teeth, or lines on the surface of the tooth. This is the first phase and a sign that a caries is forming. In this case, please read our advice: Tootache - Home Remedies.
  3. While undergoing orthodontic therapy, pay special attention to the foods you eat, to avoid breaking the braces, rings or wires. Research has shown that every time a part of the braces is broken, the period of orthodontic treatment is extended by a month.
Do not ever break off food with your teeth, instead break off a bite using your fingers, or a cut into small pieces with a knife and fork.

You should avoid eating the following foods:

chewing gum and candies of all kinds,
dried fruit or hard fruit (do not bite into a piece of fruit, instead cut up into bite-sized pieces),
any nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts),
crispy pizza, hard buns or crusty bread,
pieces of ice,
meat (cut up into bite-sized pieces).

2) A bracket has come unattached – what do I do?

If a bracket has become unattached, contact your orthodontist to ensure your treatment can continue as soon as possible without interruption.

3) Braces – canker sores and other mouth irritations

If you have a canker sore or other irritation in the mouth, place a little orthodontic wax provided by your orthodontist at the site of the irritation, and use antiseptic gels for the oral cavity. The appearance of canker sores and irritation in the mouth is common to some patients and therefore there is nothing to worry about if you follow these tips.

4) Invisalign therapy – what should I do if I can’t come to get my next set of aligners?

If you need to come to the orthodontist for a new set of aligners, and you are unable to do so because of the current situation, we advise you contact your orthodontist, and to extend the therapy period with the aligners you currently have. Distribute the remaining aligners so that you have enough until your next visit. Each aligner can be worn for up to 3 weeks, but such that after the first 7 days, you wear them just 12 hours per day.

5) I am in Invisalign therapy and I am on my last set of aligners – what should I do if I can’t come to the dentist?

If you are at the end of your Invisalign therapy and you have reached the last set of aligners, then continue to wear the last aligners until you can visit the orthodontist. Be sure to contact your orthodontist to set up the earliest possible appointment.

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail or our Facebook page. We will add in the newest questions and answers to this text.

All Dentum patients who see orthodontist Katarina Krajačić can contact us and set up an emergency visit if needed. Feel free to contract us at:

And don’t forget, we are here for any emergency cases for all Dentum patients!
UK LINE: 020 376 939 73
Number in case of emergency: 0038591 2999 333 or 0038591 2522 232

Read more:

Invisalign – Clear tooth aligners – the ultimate guide
Toothache – home remedies
5 home remedies for inflamed gums
Dental Implants - Tips From Your Dentist