What does ShapeMySmile mean?

ShapeMySmile is an aesthetic dental treatment we created at Dentum to improve your smile without having to file down any healthy teeth. The uniqueness of this method is that the patient, together with the dentist, decides how the new smile will look at the end of the process. The decision is very simple for the patient because we use digital smile design software. Later, we wax up mock up models to show the patient the aesthetic improvements in "real life", enabling the patient to immediately see what their new teeth will look like.

Am I a candidate for the ShapeMySmile method?

You are a candidate if you would like to improve your smile but you are not sure how:

  • If you have bruxism and grind your teeth in your sleep or have worn teeth,
  • If you are dissatisfied with your teeth after orthodontic treatment,
  • If you want to improve your smile without having to file down your teeth.

How is the ShapeMySmile method performed?

The ShapeMySmile method is completely non-invasive. All you need are three 1-hour visits to the dentist (during the week).

In the first visit, the dentist takes photos of your smile and uses the digital smile design software to create precise digital images of your new teeth. Following that, physical impressions are taken.

Then in our dental laboratory, we create a wax up with mock models (to show the aesthetic improvements in "real life" and measured in person, as pictures cannot give a full overview of the situation). The patient is able to see a simulation of the new smile in their mouth, and participate in the entire process of creating the final, more beautiful smile.

What problems does the ShapeMySmile method solve?

This method solves the problems of patients who are not completely satisfied with their smile and want to improve it. After this method, the level of patient self-confidence is raised. Moreover, for patients suffering from bruxism, this treatment not only improves the aesthetic of the smile, but also returns the functionality of the bite.

Thanks to the digital simulation of the smile, the patient will know in advance what the new smile will look like at the end of the treatment, removing all fear of the unknown.

What are the benefits of the ShapeMySmile method?

The ShapeMySmile method provides the patient with the opportunity to participate in the creation of their new smile. It is a purely non-invasive method, because there is no need to file down any healthy teeth. One of the biggest advantages is that the patient can see a simulation of the new smile and see how it will fit in the mouth and assess in advance whether they like it or not. This method is ideal for patients who want to find a less expensive yet effective solution for smile enhancement.

How long does the treatment take?

It takes a total of 3 hours to create a new smile with the ShapeMySmile method. This takes place over three 1-hour visits.

What is the difference between the ShapeMySmile method and dental ceramic crowns?

The main difference between ShapeMySmile and ceramic crowns is that there is no filing down of healthy teeth with the ShapeMySmile method, whereas filing is necessary to fit dental crowns. This method is the right choice for all patients who want to make cosmetic corrections to healthy teeth.

What does the therapy plan include?

The therapy plan is a key part of creating your new smile in our dental laboratory.

Teeth impressions and the pictures of your face and smile are used to digitally simulate your smile. The therapy plan is made at the first appointment. Should you decide to go ahead with the ShapeMySmile method, the cost of the therapy plan will be reduced from the total cost of the dental treatment.

ShapeMySmile procedure - does it hurt?

The ShapeMySmile method is a completely non-invasive and painless procedure. Moreover, it is a very exciting and fun procedure for patients, since they themselves participate in the creation of their new smile.

How much does the ShapeMySmile method cost?

The ShapeMySmile method has three price classes, depending on the desired final result:

  • ShapeMySmile Full - both jaws £2.665
  • ShapeMySmile Midi - one jaw £1.695
  • ShapeMySmile Lite – front teeth only £1.090

A 10% discount on these prices is available for cash payments and bank transfers.

What is revolutionary about the ShapeMySmile method?

With this method, everything is done according to the patient's wishes. What does that mean? This means that the patient has the opportunity to directly participate in the creation of their new smile together with the dentist - without filing down any healthy teeth. In this method, we use the newest high-tech formula of liquid dental composite, which is biocompatible, durable and the colour remains unchanged over time.

What can I expect during my first appointment for ShapeMySmile?

At your initial consultation, your dentist will discuss your needs and evaluate whether the ShapeMySmile treatment is the right choice for you.

Should you decide to go ahead with creating the dental therapy plan, the dentist will use the digital smile design software to create precise digital images of your teeth and face. Following that, physical impressions are taken of the teeth. Then, in our dental lab we will create a wax up and mock up so you will be able to see how your new smile will look. This will be shown to you during your second visit.

  • Price of the therapy plan for ShapeMySmile Full: £715
  • Price of the therapy plan for ShapeMySmile Midi: £450
  • Price of the therapy plan for ShapeMySmile Lite: £340

A 10% discount on these prices is available for cash payments and bank transfers.

Should you decide to proceed with the treatment, the price of the therapy plan will be deducted from the price of dental treatment.